• +255689310310
  • info@tachi.or.tz
Girl in a jacket

Organization Profile

Organization Profile

Tanzania Children Hope Innovations(TCHI) is a charitable non-government organization with its Head Quarters in Mbeya, working tirelessly to change the lives of children, especially Most Vulnerable Children (MVC), with offices located in Mbeya Municipal Council in Mbeya town.
TCHI was founded in response to the growing number of MVC in Tanzania, many of whom are affected by poverty, denied children’s rights and gender-based violence, HIV/AIDS, accidents,and other illnesses. We, the founders and participants of these innovations are mainly good Tanzanian citizens
One of the unique aspects of thisinnovation is its focus on community-based sponsorship. TCHI works to identify sponsors within the local community and outside the community who can provide ongoing support to individual children. This not only helps to ensure that the children receive consistent support, but it also fosters a sense of community and accountability for their well-being.
In addition to its sponsorship program, TCHI provides services to support MVCs and their families. These include education and vocational training, healthcare and nutrition programs, and psychosocial support. We also work to raise awareness and advocate for the rights of children in Tanzania, particularly those who are most marginalized.
Since its founding, TCHI has significantly impacted the lives of many children and families in Tanzania. However, the need for their services remains high, and they continue to work tirelessly to identify and support those most in need.
Overall, TCHI's commitment to community-based support and holistic care for MVC is a model that can be emulated by other organizations working in similar contexts. By prioritizing the needs of individualsworking to empower local communities, TCHI is making a meaningful difference in the lives of those most vulnerable.


MVCs are often overlooked until we get to know them personally. Once we see their cute little faces and hold them in our arms, it becomes impossible to deny their existence and the need for our love and support. It's amazing how everything changes once we make that connection."
We’re familiar with them; We've seen their adorable faces, felt their touch, and formed a bond. That's why we developed these Innovations.

“Don’t let Vulnerability Silence a Childhood”

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